Aoris hallmark

Quality First, Value Investing

We invest in 15 exceptional global businesses with a disciplined approach to valuation.

Long-term investors in quality, value and resilience

We aim to grow wealth over the long-term through a disciplined, focused and aligned investment strategy.

We invest in a single portfolio of 15 highly profitable, market-leading, global businesses that meet our demanding quality, value and resilience criteria.

We aim to earn a return of 8–12% p.a. after fees over a 5–7-year market cycle.

About Aoris

What’s important to us


Quality to us is about investing in highly profitable, market-leading, growing businesses. They create wealth for shareholders by earning a sustainably high ROIC and reinvesting capital at attractive incremental rates of return.


We believe the price we pay matters. That's why we look to own high-quality, growing businesses that are at, or below, their intrinsic value today.


The businesses we own are resilient to economic stress and to competitive challenges, and adaptable to the changing needs of their customers. Time makes them stronger.

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July 11, 2024

Cintas: Rags to Riches - Business Breakdowns

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Cintas: Rags to Riches - Business Breakdowns

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July 11, 2024

Cintas: Rags to Riches - Business Breakdowns

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